To enable SellBot to answer a long tail of questions about your products and services, we need to feed the A.I. all the data that you have available on your product pages, in your knowledge bases, your marketing material, etc..
Since different businesses use different tools, this is a manual process that needs to be adapted to your specific business.
You can think of this step as not much different than when you onboard a new customer service agent.
SellBot is trained to answer visitors' questions based on the information available in your company's corpus of data. We take good measures that the A.I. will not make up answers. If the available data is not enough to give a definitive answer to a visitor's question, SellBot will say so and forward the question to a human operator.
For example, you can use SellBot if you...
You may not employ SellBot for products or services that may be offered only by certified personell (for example, depending on your juristiction, legal or medical services).